Writing An Article:
Are you a Bookworm?
Do you spend more than 10 hours reading? Do you forget to eat or drink because your in the best part of the book? Do you read several books at the same time? Are you the month reader in your local library? Do the librarians know you by name? Do they have to chase you away after closing hours? Do you spend more money in books that you should? Do you forget arrangements with your friends because your in the best part of the book and you don't to put it down? Were you forced to wear glasses because of your reading habits?Do you get so caught up in the stories that you forget there only fictional? Do you get agitated when you don't read? Are books your best and only friends? Do you usually quote books a lot but you can't remember what other people tell you?
If the answer is yes to any... well there is a strong possibility that you might be a bookworm. A bookworm can be descrived as a person who is obsessed with books and consequently suffers from a compulsion to read and keep reading until he is done with it. These people are usually loners and social ackward, they have few friends because they hide in their own world of fantasy behind books, they tend to suffer from headaches and most of them use glasses due to their intensity of reading. When restrained from reading these people may exibite symptoms like anxiety, irritability and some disconnection to his surrounding environment.
So are you an hopeless case or there's still some light at the end of the tunnel for you? Well when dealing with obsession, any therapist or psychiatrist, will tell you that it is a long proccess and the way to cure it is by baby steps. So first, I recomend you cut a bit on the reading, every week try to take an hour from your reading schedule. Second, you will read better if you sleep at least 8 hours a day and you will have a lot more energy, if you eat. Try to get out more of the house and try to socialize more, find a group of friends of yours who will help you overcome the addiction and will help you keep busy. Finally, remember that the cells in your iris are not reconstructable and that they deteriorate along your age, so always read with plenty of light.
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